Congratulations Terry Pannebaker; Winner of the Cookie Baking Competition!

On Friday, October 29th the final round of our Cookie Baking Competition was held in the City Kitchen of the Reading Terminal Market. Our 3 finalist; Terry Pannebaker, John Pupo, and Shyanne Difebo all baked their respective cookies live for our panel of Famous judges and invited Famous guest!

Terry Pannebaker came out on top with his Blueberry Muffin Cookies! John’s Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookie and Shyanne’s Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie with Pretzel were close contenders in the battle for First Prize. Terry’s Blueberry Muffin Cookie will be featured as a cookie online and in the Reading Terminal Market during the year of 2022! Each contestant also won Reading Terminal Market swag along with a giftcard for the Reading Terminal Market and a Traditional Tower of Famous 4th Street Cookies!


During the event, Famous guest were able to watch the finalist bake-off their cookie creations and were able to answer questions about the Reading Terminal Market and the Famous 4th Street Cookie Company to win prizes! Prizes included treasure boxes of Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Coconut Macaroons, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and free Corn Dogs from Fox & Sons. Famous guests were also able to taste the three finalist cookies while the Famous judges did their tasting.

Special thanks to our panel of Famous judges for dedicating their time to the competition and picking the winner of the Cookie Baking Competition. Our Famous judges include Brian Phillips, Johnny Showcase, Mark El, Chef Richard Pepino, and our head Famous judge Laura Tornichio! Thank you to Famous Pastry Chef Charles Niedermyer for helping the finalist prepare and perfect their cookies for the bake-off. Thank you to our 3 finalist and everyone who entered the Cookie Baking Competition; you all made this competition FAMOUS! 


Coming Soon: Blueberry Muffin Cookie!



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